What is a reputable repair shop for a Mercedes-Benz other than the Dealer? - mercedes benz dealers in houston
I had a Mercedes-Benz-95, the get some maintenance (oil changes, tune ups, etc. want to do). I do not want to the dealer if I do not have to. I take good car, car, without the suggested retail price.
Mercedes independent shops with experience in most cities, it would be the Yellow Pages of benefit. In addition, we recommend that you ask other "Benz" driver in your area that they store their used cars to be used. References from satisfied customers are always a good source of choice for maintaining Benz in good shape! Good luck!
Go to one of the experts from Mercedes. The great work of Mercedes on a good deal.
As a specialist for Mercedes.
As shops tell Phonelist portfolio of foreign car - the ads that they do - but it will be cheaper - Type in fact, 10 percent for the parties if they can be ordered from the distributor - the components are in stock, because they never know what they need. I do not know what 95 looks good to a good mechanic. Much attention is needed after all these years.
Try damasltd.com
Again? How many times do I have to answer this question. Please note people! Who needs a good mechanic, honest, competent and reliable, go to www.cartalk.com, click on the car "real information". Then scroll down half way and click on "file a mechanic." Here you will find a very comprehensive list of sixteen thousand engineers who have for ordinary people like you and me recommended! Got it? Now, go! Good luck!
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